Top 10 Best Cordless Phones For 2025

If you’re in the market for a brand-new phone and considering cordless options available, then we can help. We have spent a lot of time and experience updating our list of the top 10 current cordless phones on the market, highlighting key features in the process, to help point you in the right direction to buying a quality DECT phone that suits your needs.

We have the experience of more than 30 years in the industry to give an expert opinion you can trust so you can be sure you will find the right phone in our look at our favourite 10 cordless phones outlined below.

What Does DECT Mean?

DECT is an acronym that stands for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications.  This means that whichever device this acronym is attached to, uses a digital encryption code, rather than analogue radio signals to communicate between the cordless phone and the base unit, providing greater clarity and security than the older, analogue-based cordless phones.